
Title: How the Page Matters
Author: Bonnie Mak
Publisher: University of Toronto Press
Format: 160 pages, 6.8 x 0.4 x 9.8 inches, English
ISBN: 978-1-4426-1535-9

“This book is about how the page matters. To matter is not only to be of importance, to signify, to mean, but also to claim a certain physical space, to have a particular presence, to be uniquely embodied. The matter and mattering of the page are entangled in complicated ways as they reconfigure each other itreratively through time. Across cultural boundaries and through centuries of change, the page has emerges as a safeguard for intellectual and artistic achievement. It has been used to share knowledge and communicate ideas from those of Sappho to those of William Shakespeare to our own. Much of what we have learned has been transmitted to us on the page; much of what we have wished to remind ourselves and others of has been broadcast in the same way. The page is a powerful interface between designer and reader, flexible enough to respond to a variety of demands while remaining comprehensible and communicative.”


/ project:

Bonnie Mak: How the Page Matters, 2012

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/ category: theory