Title: The United States Servicemen’s Fund Art Collection
Editor: Seth Siegelaub
Artists: Keith Sonnier, Robert Morris, Robert Smithson, Robert Murray, Robert Huot, David Diao, Gene Davis, Al Held, Robert Ryman, Alex Hay, Lawrence Weiner, Sol LeWitt, Alex Katz, Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler, De Wain Valentine, Carl Andre, Joseph Kosuth
Format: 22 pages, 8.25 x 5 inches
ISBN: none
This catalogue, organized by Seth Siegelaub, both documents the works assembled to raise money for the United States Servicemen’s Fund (USSF) as well as inaugurates the fund’s art collection. The USSF was an organization established to promote free speech within the US military and was heavily engaged in anti-Vietnam War activity through both the funding and support of independent GI newspapers as well as various cultural actions and events. It also worked to defend the legal rights of GIs.