/ project:
/ terminology: 2015, essay, internet, knowledge, library, manar zarroug, marcell mars, mckenzie wark, open source, paul otlet, post-digital, tomislav medak, what how & for whom / whw
/ category: theory
Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, and What, How & for Whom/WHW: Public Library, 2015
/ terminology: 2015, essay, internet, knowledge, library, manar zarroug, marcell mars, mckenzie wark, open source, paul otlet, post-digital, tomislav medak, what how & for whom / whw
/ category: theory
/ project:
/ terminology: 2015, book shop, design, distribution, economy, exhibition, presentation, space, yoshiyuki morioka
/ category: practice
Yoshiyuki Morioka: A Single Room with a Single Book – Morioka Shoten, 2015–
/ terminology: 2015, book shop, design, distribution, economy, exhibition, presentation, space, yoshiyuki morioka
/ category: practice
/ project:
/ terminology: 2015, animated gif, book, collaboration, library of the printed web, paul soulellis, print on demand, search, web-to-print, zine
/ category: practice
Paul Soulellis: Printed Web #3, 2015
/ terminology: 2015, animated gif, book, collaboration, library of the printed web, paul soulellis, print on demand, search, web-to-print, zine
/ category: practice
/ project:
/ terminology: 2015, book, collection, jean boîte éditions, kenneth goldsmith, literature, theory, uncreative writing
/ category: practice, theory
Kenneth Goldsmith: Theory, 2015
/ terminology: 2015, book, collection, jean boîte éditions, kenneth goldsmith, literature, theory, uncreative writing
/ category: practice, theory