/ project:
/ terminology: 1971, contract, distribution, economics, reproduction, robert projansky, sales agreement, seth siegelaub
/ category: practice
Seth Siegelaub and Robert Projansky: The Artist’s Reserved Rights Transfer And Sale Agreement, 1971
/ terminology: 1971, contract, distribution, economics, reproduction, robert projansky, sales agreement, seth siegelaub
/ category: practice
/ project:
/ terminology: 2012, architecture, book, circulation, distribution, exchange, market, peter downsbrough, space
/ category: practice
Peter Downsbrough: LINK, 2012
/ terminology: 2012, architecture, book, circulation, distribution, exchange, market, peter downsbrough, space
/ category: practice
/ project:
/ terminology: 2015, book shop, design, distribution, economy, exhibition, presentation, space, yoshiyuki morioka
/ category: practice
Yoshiyuki Morioka: A Single Room with a Single Book – Morioka Shoten, 2015–
/ terminology: 2015, book shop, design, distribution, economy, exhibition, presentation, space, yoshiyuki morioka
/ category: practice
/ project:
/ terminology: 2002, book, circulation, concept art, dispersion, distribution, essay, seth price
/ category: practice, theory
Seth Price: Dispersion, 2002-ongoing
/ terminology: 2002, book, circulation, concept art, dispersion, distribution, essay, seth price
/ category: practice, theory
/ project:
/ terminology: 2007, bernhard cella, book shop, distribution, economy, exhibition, installation, market, presentation
/ category: practice
Bernhard Cella: Salon für Kunstbuch, 2007–ongoing
/ terminology: 2007, bernhard cella, book shop, distribution, economy, exhibition, installation, market, presentation
/ category: practice
/ project:
/ terminology: 2013, book, distribution, jean keller, lulu, market, print on demand, printing, self-publishing
/ category: practice
Jean Keller: The Black Book, 2013
/ terminology: 2013, book, distribution, jean keller, lulu, market, print on demand, printing, self-publishing
/ category: practice