/ project:
/ terminology: 2015, essay, internet, knowledge, library, manar zarroug, marcell mars, mckenzie wark, open source, paul otlet, post-digital, tomislav medak, what how & for whom / whw
/ category: theory
Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, and What, How & for Whom/WHW: Public Library, 2015
/ terminology: 2015, essay, internet, knowledge, library, manar zarroug, marcell mars, mckenzie wark, open source, paul otlet, post-digital, tomislav medak, what how & for whom / whw
/ category: theory
/ project:
/ terminology: 2010, angie kiefer, david reinfurt, dexter sinister, download, essay, library, magazine, pdf, platform, stuart bailey
/ category: practice
Dexter Sinister with Angie Kiefer: (Bulletins of) The Serving Library, 2010-ongoing
/ terminology: 2010, angie kiefer, david reinfurt, dexter sinister, download, essay, library, magazine, pdf, platform, stuart bailey
/ category: practice
/ project:
/ terminology: 2007, appropriation, binding, daniel gustav cramer, haris epaminonda, juxtapositioning, library, materiality, readymade, self-publishing
/ category: practice
Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda: The Infinite Library, 2007-ongoing
/ terminology: 2007, appropriation, binding, daniel gustav cramer, haris epaminonda, juxtapositioning, library, materiality, readymade, self-publishing
/ category: practice
/ project:
/ terminology: 2011, appropriation, book, kajsa dahlberg, library, literature, marginal notes, reader/writer, xerox
/ category: practice
Kajsa Dahlberg: Ein Zimmer für sich / Ein eigenes Zimmer…, 2011
/ terminology: 2011, appropriation, book, kajsa dahlberg, library, literature, marginal notes, reader/writer, xerox
/ category: practice
/ project:
/ terminology: 2006, appropriation, book, kajsa dahlberg, library, literature, marginal notes, reader/writer, xerox
/ category: practice
Kajsa Dahlberg: A Room of One’s Own / A Thousand Libraries, 2006
/ terminology: 2006, appropriation, book, kajsa dahlberg, library, literature, marginal notes, reader/writer, xerox
/ category: practice