/ project:
/ terminology: 1975, book, film, linearity, michael snow, new york university press, photography, press of nova scotia college of art & design, space, time
/ category: practice
Michael Snow: Cover to Cover, 1975
/ terminology: 1975, book, film, linearity, michael snow, new york university press, photography, press of nova scotia college of art & design, space, time
/ category: practice
/ project:
/ terminology: 2014, book, bookness, formalism, luigi amato, lulu, materiality, page, print on demand, production process, roberto arista, space, time
/ category: practice
Luigi Amato and Roberto Arista: VOLUME, 2014
/ terminology: 2014, book, bookness, formalism, luigi amato, lulu, materiality, page, print on demand, production process, roberto arista, space, time
/ category: practice
/ project:
/ terminology: 2010, binding, book, fotohof edition, landscape, michael aschauer, photography, scan, time
/ category: practice
Michael Aschauer: 7 C-Days, 2010
/ terminology: 2010, binding, book, fotohof edition, landscape, michael aschauer, photography, scan, time
/ category: practice